1 Know what spreadsheets are and how they can be used
Use of spreadsheets: presenting information eg clarify relationships, interpret data; calculations eg payroll, statistics; list management eg large datasets; interpreting data eg sorting, filtering; nature and purpose eg manipulating data, information presentation, manipulation of lists; terminology eg cells, rows, fields, columns; workbooks; business uses
Alternative formats: converting to other formats eg xls, csv, txt, xms, html
2 Be able to develop spreadsheet models
Spreadsheet model: entering and editing data; cell referencing eg absolute, relative; autofilling cells; linking cells; use of paste; combining information eg from application packages (inserting graphs, CSV files, importing data); file handling eg file management (naming files, folder structures, moving files, deleting files)
Formulae: simple eg add, subtract, divide, multiply; complex eg calculations of pay, VAT, totals, compound interest
Functions: statistical eg sum, average, min, max, count, countif; logical eg IF, OR, AND
Refine: improving efficiency eg shortcuts, aiding navigation; formatting eg fonts, use of colour, conditional formatting
Presenting data: data types eg text, currency, date; formatting cells eg colours, shading, alignment, borders; other formatting eg decimal points, merging cells; formatting charts eg titles, labels, resizing, moving; chart type; formatting sheets eg headers, footers, page setup, page breaks
Automations: features eg macro, links between spreadsheets, ActiveX control, Control Toolbox, Visual Basic or other appropriate language
Analysing and interpreting data: convert data eg charts, graphs; lists eg filtering, sorting
Tools: charts and graphs eg titles; labels eg axis scales, colours, annotation; select appropriate type eg line, bar, column, pie, xy (scatter); justifying choices
3 Be able to test and document spreadsheet models
Test: manual calculations eg formula, functions; sensible outcomes eg layout, values; suitability for audience
Documentation: user guide eg instructions, troubleshooting
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